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This tutorial will show you how to use the cURL command-line tool to issue one-shot requests against the Grid'5000 API.


You’ll need the cURL command-line tool. If it’s not already installed, use your package manager to fetch it. E.g.:

sudo apt-get install curl

Let’s do some cURLing

Test that you can access the Grid'5000 API. Replace login with your Grid'5000 login. Your Grid'5000 password will be requested when you hit enter. The output of the command should be:

curl -ki -u login https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/\
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:22:37 GMT
     Vary: Accept,Accept-Encoding
     ETag: "f1930ff4bc894f7fa076ce8f2e029e1c6a4adfe7"
     Allow: GET
     Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, proxy-revalidate, max-age=60, s-maxage=60
     Last-Modified: Fri, 01 Apr 2011 15:38:10 GMT
     Content-Length: 2366
     Status: 200
     Content-Type: application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.site+json;level=1

       "name": "Rennes",
       "latitude": 48.1,
       "location": "Rennes, France",
       "security_contact": "rennes-staff@lists.grid5000.fr",
       "uid": "rennes",
       "type": "site",
       "user_support_contact": "rennes-staff@lists.grid5000.fr",
       "version": "a650e837fbc8a4fbcc403ad25aa82cceab7babe4",
       "links": [
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/versions/a650e837fbc8a4fbcc403ad25aa82cceab7babe4",
           "title": "version",
           "rel": "member",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Version+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/versions",
           "title": "versions",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes",
           "rel": "self",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Site+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/clusters",
           "title": "clusters",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/environments",
           "title": "environments",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000",
           "rel": "parent",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Grid+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/status",
           "title": "status",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/metrics",
           "title": "metrics",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs",
           "title": "jobs",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/deployments",
           "title": "deployments",
           "rel": "collection",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Collection+json;level=1"
       "description": "",
       "longitude": -1.6667,
       "compilation_server": false,
       "email_contact": "rennes-staff@lists.grid5000.fr",
       "web": "http://www.irisa.fr",
       "sys_admin_contact": "rennes-staff@lists.grid5000.fr"

What you just did was getting the description of the rennes site. The response is JSON formatted (JSON is a lightweight data interchange format), and contains a list of links to related resources.

If you want to avoid entering your credentials for every request, cURL can use a configuration file (~/.netrc) to store them. Then, you just have to pass the -n flag to cURL so that it takes it into account.

cat <<EOF >> ~/.netrc
machine api.grid5000.fr
login your-grid5000-login
password your-grid5000-password
chmod 600 ~/.netrc

Retry the previous request with the -n flag, and you should get the same result.

curl -kni https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes

If you want to see the full details of how the HTTP request is made, add the -v flag to the command (lines prefixed with > and < repectively show what is sent to, and received from the server):

curl -kvni https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes

Looking at the list of links in the description of the rennes site, you can see that there is a lot of other URIs that can be followed. As an example, you can retrieve the site status with the following command. For each node, you’ll see the node state and the next reservation. You can have a look at the Monitoring API documentation for more information.

curl -kni https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/\

You can also fetch the list of scheduled jobs on the rennes site by issuing a request to the following URI. Note that you can remove the -i flag if you do not want to display the HTTP headers from the response.

curl -kni https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs

At this point, you may want to add your very own job to the previous list. Use the POST method to create a new job that just sleeps for 30 minutes.

curl -kni -X POST https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs -d "command=sleep 1800"

You should get back a response like the following:

     HTTP/1.1 201 Created
     Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:51:39 GMT
     Location: /2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs/381093
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: 337
     Vary: Accept-Encoding

       "uid": 381093,
       "links": [
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs/381093",
           "rel": "self",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Job+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes",
           "rel": "parent",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Site+json;level=1"

Have a look at the Jobs API documentation to see the full list of available parameters and usage.

Notice the 201 Created status code and the Location HTTP header in the previous response. The latter indicates where the full job description can be fetched. So let’s see what we get:

curl -kni https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes\
     HTTP/1.1 200 OK
     Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:55:00 GMT
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: 790
     Expires: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:55:30 GMT
     Allow: GET, DELETE
     Vary: Accept-Encoding

       "assigned_nodes": [
       "directory": "/home/crohr",
       "command": "sleep 1800",
       "mode": "PASSIVE",
       "walltime": 3600,
       "submitted_at": 1301910701,
       "project": "default",
       "events": [

       "uid": 381093,
       "user_uid": "crohr",
       "links": [
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes/jobs/381093",
           "rel": "self",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Job+json;level=1"
           "href": "/2.0/grid5000/sites/rennes",
           "rel": "parent",
           "type": "application/vnd.fr.grid5000.api.Site+json;level=1"
       "types": [

       "queue": "default",
       "started_at": 1301910702,
       "message": "FIFO scheduling OK",
       "scheduled_at": 1301910702,
       "state": "running",
       "properties": "maintenance = 'NO'"

We can see that our job is running on the node paramount-7.rennes.grid5000.fr. Since it does not do anything useful, we can kill it by issuing a DELETE request on its URI. You should get back a 202 Accepted response:

curl -kni -X DELETE https://api.grid5000.fr/2.0/grid5000/sites/\
     HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
     Date: Mon, 04 Apr 2011 09:57:11 GMT
     Content-Type: application/json
     Content-Length: 0
     X-Oar-Info: Deleting the job = 381093 ...REGISTERED. The job(s) [ 381093 ] will be deleted in a near future.
     Vary: Accept-Encoding

This concludes our short tour of using the Grid'5000 API with cURL. You will find many more examples in the respective documentation of each API. See https://api.grid5000.fr for links to the documentation.